Friday, February 8, 2008

so much exciting news!

susie and i are going to meet with the international fashion club at csu on tuesday to see if we can work together on the event! if this works out they would do the stage management, event coordination and provide their own models. every year they do their own “Recycled Fashion Show.” if we could piggyback on these designs we’d be more likely to get their involvement. the other possibility is to find fashion from elsewhere, but have them actually put on the show.
there is concern over our event date being the same as their graduation date and therefor not having the resources to pull this off. i think i would be ok moving it up to april knowing that the fashion show part is being taken care of. so we'll just have to see what happens on tuesday!

the other thing that is hopefully happening tuesday is a viewing of the oriental theater. i've actually only been in there once and even then i was only in the lobby. we need to make sure there's enough room for all the goods we'll have to sell (positive thinking!).

the last bit of good news for today is that our event date could coordinate for a borders benefit day!
what is a borders benefit day? well i'm glad you asked! borders works with groups to provide coupons for 10% off on the days around the events. then, the group gets 10% of the profit from the purchase made with that coupon! so we can send them out to people who might not be able to make it to the event and they can still contribute that way. i hope that works out, that would be a nice additional boost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...



Comments and questions are highly encouraged! If you're interested in volunteering with Room to Read please feel free to email me as I am also the Volunteer Coordinator for the Denver/Boulder chapter or if you are an artist and would like to donate to the cause!
Email me here: Aimee's email
For general information on Room to Read visit their website at