Saturday, January 19, 2008

a little info on the local language publishing program...

Over the past few years, Room to Read has established over 3,870 bilingual libraries in developing countries by working with local villages, educators, and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs). To date, we have shipped over 1.4 million children's books in English to fill our library shelves.
However, in 2002, our Nepal team discovered that our libraries there were not being utilized to their fullest potential because students did not have access to quality children's books in their local language. Before learning English, these students needed to learn to read Nepali, to foster their intellectual curiosity and imagination through books they could understand, and to further promote their education. We quickly determined that there were simply not many quality Nepali children's books available. Parents were too poor to afford reading material for their children, so publishers weren't motivated to publish children's books in the local language.
Due to this lack of high-quality books in the local language, we boldly decided to fill the void in the children's book industry through our Local Language Publishing Program. With seed funding provided by the Skoll Foundation in 2003, we launched our program to create and publish new local language children's books, thereby giving children access to the type of books that will spark imagination, curiosity, and a desire to learn to read.

taken from

more info to come...

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Comments and questions are highly encouraged! If you're interested in volunteering with Room to Read please feel free to email me as I am also the Volunteer Coordinator for the Denver/Boulder chapter or if you are an artist and would like to donate to the cause!
Email me here: Aimee's email
For general information on Room to Read visit their website at