Thursday, May 22, 2008

an email from polly....


After much consideration, we’ve decided to put our Literacy by Designers event on hold and therefore not have our meeting tomorrow night. We’ve come to this decision collectively and independently. We’re still very excited about an event that encompasses local designers to benefit our global cause. We are just not satisfied that the event as we’ve envisioned it will come together in a manner that will raise the funds that we hope to raise – with the amount of effort required.

There are many other exciting events happening throughout the chapter – starting with a fun event at Barnes and Noble on June 14th. All of these events require us to help and/or get other volunteers to help make them happen. Given this – we’ve decided to focus our 2008 efforts on (in no particular order) 1) recruiting new volunteers 2) recruiting new corporate sponsors 3) putting on events that have higher projected revenues for our efforts 4) holding a spectacular fall event in Boulder with John in attendance 5) developing our relationship with Barnes and Noble in Colorado and 6) coming up with a great auction item for the RtR international chapter auction.

Finally, we’ve got a meeting of the Denver/Boulder chapter scheduled for Thursday, June 5th from 7:00 – 8:30. You are all welcome to join us at that meeting, where we will be focusing on the remaining ½ of the year and brainstorming about what we can do – and how we will do it.

Thanks for all of your efforts and time on this event. Please know that it hasn’t been wasted. It has been a necessary step towards getting us to where we are now.

Any questions or concerns? Please let me know.

Kind regards,

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Comments and questions are highly encouraged! If you're interested in volunteering with Room to Read please feel free to email me as I am also the Volunteer Coordinator for the Denver/Boulder chapter or if you are an artist and would like to donate to the cause!
Email me here: Aimee's email
For general information on Room to Read visit their website at